The average business professional has 30 to 100 projects on their plate. Modern workers are interrupted seven times an hour and distracted up to 2.1 hours a day. And four out of 10 people working at large companies are experiencing a major corporate restructuring, and therefore facing uncertainty about their futures. This may be why more than 40% of adults say they lie awake at night plagued by the stressful events of the day.

Is there a way to maintain a steady focus throughout the day? Is it possible to do everything that needs to get done and still have energy left over after work? How do you keep cool under so many demands?

Acting rather than reacting is very essential at workplaces. And employees most of the times forget that because they go through a lot of stress. It seriously becomes impossible to work throughout the weeks without break. Life becomes monotonous and completing work seems to be impossible. Most of the people fail to take this stress or burden from the work environment.

Everyone who has ever held a job has, at some point, felt the pressure of work-related stress. Any job can have stressful elements, even if you love what you do. So, what is the way to drive out this stress out of your body?

Well, Allocacoc’s Fidget pen is the superb fidget toy which is needed in the office. You can Twist, Bounce, pop pop. Playing with a pen can build concentration. Remove the ring, turn it upside down, break it apart. There are many ways to play! By flipping the magnetic rings, you can either have the cap attract or repel to its base, allowing for different ways to fidget.

It helps you for some time to come out of stress you go through in the office. Also, you can easily replace the ink cartridge of your pen. The pen's strong material adds durability, guaranteeing a long lifetime. The erasable ink version allows you to undo any mistakes - just use the silicon cap to erase!

We promise office is going to be a fun place for you only if you become friends with Allocacoc’s Fidget Pen. Bring it to your workplace today!

Kapalin Marketing Pvt Ltd. is the prestigious Branding, Marketing and Distribution partner of Allocacoc in India. Our comprehensive services help you realize the value from improved customer relationship & distribution network. Kapalin’s corporate structure fortifies that the knowledge and the winning strategies are shared and communicated among all the trade units, timely and systematically according to the requirements of the fields we operate in. Spotting that clients’ requirements are changing on a constant basis, we are committed to making continuous advancement in all our processes in accordance with these changing requirements. 


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