Magical Wallet

The world has undergone changes and so do we. Today in this 21st century things are changing at a rapid speed. From tape recorder to pen drive, from cars to battery scooter. Things are changing keeping in mind the busy schedule of human beings going through.

Today is the Digital world and things are going according to the Digital World. The biggest example is credit and Debit Cards. I remember my dad and uncle used to carry huge wallets with money and coins and all visiting card in one wallet making it huge and bulky to carry it in the pocket. And I still remember taking out coins from their pockets for my daily extra expenses and they never got the idea of it, as they have such a lot of coins they never counted it.

But now Debit and Credit card has taken place. It has become a trend to carry cards instead of money and coins. One big plus point is one does not need to carry big and huge wallets. Card have solved the problem of carrying these huge wallets with money and coins. Because nowadays the mobile wallet is also making it easier.

Another big problem is if cards are taking over money and coins, then no point carrying big wallets for just a few cards, so people have started carrying only cards. I saw this at my house also. My dad and uncle started taking money and cards without a wallet, which has a drawback to it if in case they want to take out one card or some money, they had to pull out the entire things out of the pocket, which sometimes makes us lose some money or drop the card.

Then one day I was surfing a net to give a gift to my dad and uncle for Father’s Day, I came across a very attractive thin wallet named DAX from Allocacoc. This was the thinnest wallet in the world, to carry in and around. It's so easy and handy that one can carry all the cards and money in this thin wallet and can slide it into the pocket without any hassle.

DAX from Allocacoc has all the unique features that are required in today’s fast and digital world. constructed from a special high-performance fabric originally fabricated for industrial use. It is extremely durable and water repellent. DAX is the first cascading pull-tab wallet in the world. With a simple pull, watch as your notes and cards cascade neatly in front of you.

Kapalin Marketing Pvt Ltd. is the prestigious Branding, Marketing and Distribution partner of Allocacoc in India. Our comprehensive services help you realize the value from improved customer relationship & distribution network. Kapalin’s corporate structure fortifies that the knowledge and the winning strategies are shared and communicated among all the trade units, timely and systematically according to the requirements of the fields we operate in. Spotting that clients’ requirements are changing on a constant basis, we are committed to making continuous advancement in all our processes in accordance with these changing requirements. 


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