Remembering the tragedies of 9/11

On an apparent plain day of September 11, 2001 a number of around 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group Al-Qaeda hijacked 4 American airplanes and carried out consecutive suicide attacks in the United States.

Two planes had flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center located in New York City, killing hundreds of people and injuring thousands more. A third plane, an American Airlines Flight 77 circled over downtown Washington, D.C., before crashing into the side of the Pentagon military headquarters at 9:45 a.m and the fourth plane crashed at a field in Pennsylvania. A total of about 3000 people lost their lives, including the passengers and crew aboard the flights.

However, this was not the first attack on the Twin Towers. A bombing in February of 1993 had killed six people.

Thousands of lives were lost and the attack of 9/11 left behind a trail of tremendous tragedy.

One of the unsung heroes of 9/11 was a guide dog named Roselle, a Labrador who led her blind owner, Michael Hingson, down 78 stories of the North Tower and safely to the home of a friend.

On 2nd May, 2011, the U.S. Special Forces invaded Osama Bin Laden's fortress in Abbottabad, Pakistan and took him down. The then U.S. President Barrack Obama declared it as the most significant achievement of the U.S to defeat Al Qaeda. 
It was the single deadliest terror act in the U.S. history and the most devastating foreign attack on American soil since the attack on Pearl Harbor.

In America, 11th September is considered as the 'Patriot Day' and observed as the National Day of service and remembrance towards the victims of 9/11 attacks. People take this day across the entire country to honor the loss of those thousands of lives. 

From team Allocacoc we would like to honor all those victims and brave heroes who lost their lives in this ruthless act of terror. Let 9/11 be an act of remembrance for all those around the globe in saying no, to mindless terror and learning how to love and protect your fellow human being.

Kapalin Marketing Pvt Ltd. is the prestigious Branding, Marketing and Distribution partner of Allocacoc in India. Our comprehensive services help you realize the value from improved customer relationship & distribution network. Kapalin’s corporate structure fortifies that the knowledge and the winning strategies are shared and communicated among all the trade units, timely and systematically according to the requirements of the fields we operate in. Spotting that clients’ requirements are changing on a constant basis, we are committed to make continuous advancement in all our processes in accordance with these changing requirements. 


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