The Age of Choice
My mother has always been a person filled with aesthetic sense. It has always been difficult to shop for her, her choice has always been classy and elegant and not even slightly overboard.
When I was a kid it was really annoying to shop with mom. To stand for hours on end at one shop, while she made the perfect choice. I did not seem to mind much when she did the same for me, but personally speaking I prefer less choices because I think too many choices can boggle a mind.

Choice is the story of this decade. We have so much option and so much too see from, that often we just settle with something familiar or pre-used. Be it Web series, films, shops or brands. Even while ordering food online, I have seen we get so distracted by the amount of choices that it takes hours just to finalize and place a order. In that case I open the app and order from somewhere I had previously ordered and I often stick to that restaurant for weeks before changing and ordering from somewhere else.
This time for my Mother's birthday, I had the same crisis, deciding what to gift my mother is in any case a big feat. but it was more so this time because I was meeting her the day before her birthday since I had to work on the day.
Since choice has always my poison, this time too, I surfed the net thinking of the easiest and Classiest gift to give. I finalized on Allocacoc's Heng Balance Lamp. I honestly did not have to surf more, the moment I saw the lamp I knew mom would love it. It was the perfect combination of design and class with a hint of elegance.
It is a desk lamp with a twist: where most lamps have a standard switch the Heng Balance Lamp is controlled by two wooden balls. When you lift the lower wooden ball, it will be attracted by the hanging one and remain suspended in mid-air, switching on the light.
I know for a fact that my mother is going to thrilled after seeing this!
Kapalin Marketing Pvt Ltd. is the prestigious Branding, Marketing and Distribution partner of Allocacoc in India. Our comprehensive services help you realize the value from improved customer relationship & distribution network. Kapalin’s corporate structure fortifies that the knowledge and the winning strategies are shared and communicated among all the trade units, timely and systematically according to the requirements of the fields we operate in. Spotting that clients’ requirements are changing on a constant basis, we are committed to make continuous advancement in all our processes in accordance with these changing requirements.
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